When you’re trying to save money, do you consider ways to reduce postage costs? You could save on each piece of mail regardless of retail postage rates. Bet that got your attention.
Mail postage meters are a smart choice for home or business use. And they’re good for all types of mail, except magazines and newspapers.
If you’re weighing the benefits of metered mail, stop wondering are postage meters worth it. This article addresses how a metered postage stamp compares to traditional stamps.
What Is a Postage Meter?
Having a postage meter in your home or office allows you to weigh mail yourself. Then once you determine costs you can print a metered postage stamp to affix to your package.
You’ve likely seen postage meters in use at a USPS mail service center. If you requested a postage rate they weighed your mail to provide that information. With the features of a postage meter, you won’t have to consult with anyone.
How Can I Get a Postage Meter?
Save yourself the effort of looking for postage meters for sale. The USPS does not allow private ownership of postage meters. Instead, you have to rent or lease them from an authorized dealer.
Before you can lease a device you must apply for a permit from your local USPS. And when you lease a postage meter your monthly fee is for the device only. The cost for postage is a separate expense.
Click the link to learn more about postage meter requirements.
What Size Postage Meter Is Best?
That question may not be as straightforward as you think. A smaller operation doesn’t mean small office postage meters are the best option. If you manage outgoing bulk mail or packages, you may need to look at larger postage meters.
For this reason, you can find varied size postage meters. They’re suitable for anything from single envelopes to heavy metered mail volumes.
What Is the Current Metered Postage Rate?
This is where the news gets even better. Metered postage for each ounce of first-class mail is less than you’re paying now. The current metered postage rate offers a $.04 discount on the traditional stamp price.
Discounted rates don’t only apply to first-class mail. You can pay reduced postage rates on priority mail, USPS Ground, postcards, and more.
What Are the Benefits of Metered Postage?
Using metered postage you save on more than the stamp price. You no longer need to travel to the post office and stand in line awaiting services. Also, resources aren’t needed to apply stamps to individual mail pieces.
Metered mail doesn’t need as much attention from postal workers either. These mailed items guarantee postage, barcodes, and accurate USPS formatted addresses.
Print Your Own Metered Postage Stamp
Whether you’re managing a home or business, relying on others could prove time-consuming. Stop waiting for the post office to open to mail your shipments. Apply for a permit and print your metered postage stamp when you need it.
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