Language plays a really vital role in almost any human community-school, company, organization, group, home etc. the word what associated with a human society informs a great deal about this society therefore, it may be further emphasized that language and then any human society are inseparable. In almost any human society, language occupies an essential seat, greater than it seems to any or all. The functions of language in almost any human community range from the following expression of ideas, political, administration, education, social, religious, legislation and so forth.
We shall however be utilising Nigeria as situation study. The purpose of any human community would be to have peace and unity, many nations around the globe today are facing different levels of conflicts, and Nigeria regrettably is among such countries. This paper is placed to look at the function language needs to play achieve national unity in Nigeria. Individuals have previously expressed their various views concerning the concept of language.
A lecturer of mine, Professor Fakuade.G. stated and that i quote,” language may be the faithful mirror from the society” quite simply a language is exactly what shows the real nature associated with a society. This means that exactly what a language is supposed to do in almost any society would be to reflect around the world what that society is about. The word what associated with a society therefore should provide us with an ideal understanding of the items that society is about including the culture, beliefs, mode of dressing, marriage and each other sociolinguistic details about the society. Language can also be said to be viewed as the indication of a nation just like the flag, Anthem, Currency etc. quite simply, language will be your window by which people can easily see in to the society.
As viewed by Bamgbose, British may be the language of integration in Nigeria, amongst the compounding complexities of Nigeria especially with regards to the word what question, the only real language that indexes the spirit of togetherness is British. This shows clearly that to date in Nigeria, British Language has performed an essential part to keep Nigeria together like a unified nation. Amongst our cultural diversities and variations in beliefs, British language has still performed an excellent role to keep Nigeria together and as it is the bond between your various ethnic groups which exist in Nigeria, one cannot but give that plus to British to keep us together to date. From the over 500 languages we have in Nigeria we have a hyperlink which link is certainly not but British, it has offered because the way of communication between your different tribes which are in Nigeria.