The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of many, and lots of us have learned that the home environment can be a great place to educate our children.
Whether you’re considering homeschooling out of necessity or you’re wanting to take a much greater degree of interest and control over the formative education of your child, there are many benefits to be found.
But where do you even start setting up a school at home?
In this guide, we’ll teach you how to homeschool high school.
Define the Academic Needs of Your Child
Before you set to work teaching your child or even coming up with lesson ideas, you’ll need to work out what the academic needs of your child are. This could include the following:
- Meeting the graduation requirements of the state
- Meeting college registration requirements
- Understanding the child’s career goals
- Providing essential skills for life
In addition to meeting the state laws for homeschooling, you’ll need to meet the learning needs of your child. If you’ve got previous grades from their formal education, this will provide you with a good jumping-off point to identify areas to focus your attention.
Create a Homeschool Curriculum
Once you’ve identified what you’ll need to achieve through your classes, you should start putting together a curriculum. This will include working out which subjects will be studied, how much time will be devoted to each subject, and which topics will be covered.
All of this should be done in advance of you starting to teach your child.
Create Lesson Plans
Once the curriculum is determined, you can start mapping out the individual sessions. Find resources online such as the math problems here to help you build a varied program of lessons.
Don’t underestimate how long planning lessons will take. You will need to consider the learning style of your child. There are several different learning styles, these include visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic.
Some children will learn best by repeating information, some will respond well to tasks that immediately put new knowledge into practice. A good lesson plan will cover the entire topic while meeting these varied needs.
Deliver Learning
Teaching your child will require patience and flexibility. Make sure there is enough time within your lesson plans to cover the entire topic and to slow down when your child needs additional support.
Along with delivering the planned sessions, you should include time for developing social skills, and ensure you’re making learning a fun experience.
How to Homeschool
Make no mistake, homeschooling takes time and effort on the part of the parent. You’ll need to do lots of research into how to homeschool and spend a considerable amount of time creating sessions and providing a varied course of materials.
That said, homeschooling can be a rewarding experience for both parent and child, and it is a great opportunity to really shape their future.
For more homeschooling tips, please explore the rest of the site.