With the start of every semester comes a new set of stresses. You have a brand-new schedule, and with it comes all new coursework and classmates. But the start of a semester also means a chance to start fresh in other ways!
Why not take advantage of this opportunity by decorating your school locker? A personalized locker is the perfect way to give yourself a smile between classes, and getting organized will keep your stress levels at a minimum.
To learn a few awesome ideas for decorating a locker, just keep reading!
- Use Wallpaper
Okay, so we don’t mean actual wallpaper here. It’s only your locker for one year, after all. You need to be able to easily remove your decor when the summer comes.
That’s where wall decals come in. These give the appearance of wallpaper inside your locker but are completely removable! You can find decals in all colors and patterns, so you’re sure to find something that suits your style.
- Add Stickers
Obviously, you don’t want to add stickers directly to the inside of your locker (unless they’re the magnetic kind). But once you have your wall decals inside your locker, you’re free to add as many stickers as you please.
There’s an endless amount of stickers for lockers available online, you can even buy mystery sticker bundles if you’re feeling adventurous. Those with a creative streak can also make stickers themselves to give their locker that extra bit of personality.
- Hang a Light
When you’re assigned your locker, you receive a dull, dark space. Why not brighten it up with a magnetic light? These are the ultimate locker decor, as they’re battery-powered, so you don’t have to worry about cords or outlets.
If you’re trying to save space, install a simple puck light on the ceiling of your locker. Or, if you’re looking for a touch of glam, hang a mini chandelier!
- Install a Shelving Unit
Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of time between classes to spend at your locker. Because of this, organizing your space is a must. Not to mention, keeping your locker free of clutter will help you feel less stressed throughout the school day.
To keep everything neat, all you have to do is add a metal or plastic shelving unit to the inside of your locker. These are typically either expandable or have folding legs that rest on the floor of the space.
- Hang a Calendar
Sure, we all have laptops and smartphones that hold our appointments and other reminders, but it’s still nice to have a calendar on the inside of your locker door. That way, you’ll be reminded of upcoming events, exams, and other important tasks every time you open your locker.
You can find a small magnetized calendar that includes the entire year, or you can opt for a 30-day calendar that you change every month with a marker.
Start the Semester Off Right With the Perfect School Locker
During the school year, your school locker is your home away from home. It’s the one place in school that’s just for you, don’t let your locker stay a dark, dingy place!
By taking a few minutes at the start of the semester to refresh your personal space at school, you’ll feel a sense of pride and calm every time you visit your locker.
Looking for more tips and tricks for making your next school year the best one yet? Be sure to check out our blog!