A resume is your first contact with an employer; research shows that you only have around seven seconds to impress them. That’s enough time for a recruiter to form an opinion and decide whether or not to move forward. With so many resumes being submitted for job openings today, it’s vital that your resume stands out.
In this blog post, we’ll look at seven useful resume tips and tricks. Implement these tips and tricks into your resume before you send your next application to an employer.
- You Don’t Need to Include Your Address
Only include your address if it will be beneficial to your application. For instance, if you are applying for a job in Manhattan, it’s a good idea to highlight if you live nearby. The recruiter will likely be more interested to know that you are local and could potentially start working straight away.
If you live out-of-town or out-of-state, it’s better to leave your exact address off of your resume for now.
- Using A Proper-Sounding Email Address
This is a simple but important tip. If your private email address name is somewhat inappropriate or ‘funny’, it’s better not to include it. Also, never include your current work email in a resume. Stick to a simple email address that uses your name and avoid making a bad impression.
- Choose Quality Over Quantity
Remember the seven-second rule that we spoke about? Keep your resume brief; include only the important details and take out any fluff. A one-page resume is far better than a four-page resume.
- Pick Hobbies That Are Relevant
If you like baseball, that’s great, but it’s not relevant on your resume (only you’re applying within that industry, of course!). Useful hobbies include blogging or even marathon running (it shows you have discipline).
- Use the Inverted Pyramid
This is a journalism phrase that illustrates how the most important information on a page should be prioritized. Always put the relevant information first and the least critical information at the end.
- Be Careful About Sharing Your Socal Media Accounts
LinkedIn is generally fine, but take caution when adding your Facebook or Twitter accounts. Have you ever posted unflattering photos from a night out? Have you ever posted a verbal tirade on Twitter?
The recruiter may check these so make sure that if they are included, they are professional and show you in a good light.
- Skip the Generic Keywords
It’s 2021, Microsoft Office and typing are not skills worthy of placing on your resume. Keywords like hard-working and detail-orientated are going to show up on everyone’s resumes. So, focus on specific skills relevant to the job that make you stand out as different from the other applicants.
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Follow These Resume Tips And Tricks
These resume tips and tricks are designed to impress a recruiter and grab their attention. Keep your resume short and sweet; fill it with relevant information and leave off what isn’t necessary.
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