Highly qualified and effective teachers are considered essential for students’ performance. A number of researches were also planned to see the impact of individual teachers on students’ performance. Moreover, NCBL (No Child Left Behind) Act also mandate that all teachers should be qualified and meet the requirements.
Highly qualified teachers are the ones who have the necessary qualifications and certification, but high qualification doesn’t predict effective teaching. What else makes a teacher effective and how can teacher productivity be measured in school? Now schools are using school software for different purposes like admission, attendance, results, fee, and library as well as to evaluate teacher productivity. You can also take a school software demo to install the right software for your school.
Here we have some other easy ways to measure teachers’ productivity in school:
Conduct Classroom Observations
Classroom observation is an easy and widely used method to measure teacher productivity. Observations can be conducted by the outside evaluator or a school administrator. In these observations, teachers’ subject-specific, as well as general teaching practices, are measured. These observations can be planned or unannounced. It is better to conduct unannounced observations several times a year.
It is important to use valid and appropriate instruments to measure teacher productivity. Formal observation through valid and reliable tools is more objective while informal observation is more subjective.
Analysis of Portfolios
Portfolios usually contain evidence of teaching practices, students’ progress, and school activities. This collection of material by teachers can also be used to measure teacher productivity. Portfolios are different from instructional artifacts. Teachers can be asked why they have included particular work and are often required to reflect on the materials.
Analysis of portfolios provides evidence that teachers are able to reflect on a lesson, can identify problems in the lesson, and can make modifications. A portfolio can include teacher lesson plans, student work samples, schedules, assessments, videos of classroom interactions, and notes from parents.
Self-Report of Practice
In teacher self-report, teachers are asked to report on what they are doing in the classroom. This report can be in the form of interviews, surveys, or instructional logs. A self-report measure of teacher productivity focuses on broad and overarching aspects of teaching like classroom observation. These measures may focus on techniques, grade level, content areas, or specific subject matter.
Self-report may consist of a checklist consisting of practices and easily observable behaviors. A rating scar against the checklist can be used to assess the extent to which certain behaviors and practices are aligned with certain standards.
Evaluation By Students
Students interact the most with the teachers. So, they can also provide useful information related to teacher productivity. Usually, student evaluation is in the form of questionnaires that ask students to rate on a Likert scale. Students can be asked to rate different aspects of teaching, from specific teaching behaviors to course content. Valuable information can be obtained from the students as they are the direct consumers of teacher’s services.
Sometimes ratings of students are not considered valid because students don’t know the full context of teaching. But when information from different sources or through different measures supports each other, student evaluation can be a good point.
Use of Tools to Measure Teacher Productivity
Different tools like absenteeism surveys or quality of service delivery are useful to evaluate teacher productivity in school. Because attendance gives a clear understanding of how devoted a teacher is. Teacher’s presence is essential for learning and teachers’ attendance is also a clear indicator of a learning system.
Tools that include tests of content and knowledge can also be used to measure teachers’ skills and knowledge. Because teachers’ knowledge often predicts student learning. As an administrator, you can use different authentic tools to measure teachers’ productivity in your school.