By the Fall of 2020, there were more than 3.2 million teachers worldwide. With that being said, an educator’s job is to use engaging teaching strategies to help children stay interested in learning.
While this might sound easy, it can be quite challenging to keep children engaged and attentive in school. But, we’re here to share with you some of the top teaching strategies that teachers can use to promote an engaging learning atmosphere.
- Use Technological Learning
Nowadays, everything children are interested in happens via technology. What better way is there to keep students engaged in their daily lessons than by using technology.
For example, no child wants to sit at their desk all day listening to their teacher talk for hours. Instead, we recommend using a smartboard or interactive tablet that allows children to participate in the lesson.
When you ask a question during math, set up an online portal where kids can participate in a race to answer the question. The first child to enter the right answer will show up on the smartboard.
- Incorporate Social Narrative Activities
Often there is a disconnect when it comes to explaining how to do something and having the children perform the explained task. This is where the strategy of using social narratives comes into play.
You’ll introduce a concept to students and walk them through a process that breaks down the concept. As the students continue to understand and grasp the workings of the concept, they can then use what you’ve taught them and apply it to various social situations.
- Be Relatable
Teachers have all had a student ask them, ‘when will I use this outside of school?’ The question can be frustrating.
But it’s a reasonable question and brings us to the next teaching strategy that teachers can use in the classroom. The strategy is to create lessons that relate to the students every day lives.
If they can imagine themselves using the concepts you’re teaching them in school, it’s more likely that they will go home and start to make the connections between lessons and real-life tasks. Besides, telling a student that they have to learn something without telling them how they can use it will cause you to quickly lose the interest and attention of your class.
- Options, Options, Options
There are some things that you will need to make decisions about as the teacher, but it’s good to give your students options in how they learn. For example, when reviewing for tests, give your class either the option to ask questions that they are confused about openly.
Or they have the option to split into teams and compete for extra credit points in a game show of question answering. When students feel that they have an option, it increases the amount of time they spend paying attention in class.
Engaging Teaching Strategies: Getting the Most Out of Your Students
There are several engaging teaching strategies that teachers can use, and we’ve listed a few above. It’s always best to make real-life connections between what you’re teaching and what happens in students’ everyday lives.
It’s also useful if you use some technology when teaching your class. If this post was helpful, don’t hesitate to continue scrolling through the other posts found in this section.