Everything You Need to Know to Create a Behavior Plan For Students

Did you know that 80% of teachers believe that they can manage student behavior quite a lot? As an educator or someone that works with children, you will have encountered challenging behavior. But do you know how many teachers and institutes deal with it?

That is through personalized planning. Read on as we discuss how to create a behavior plan for students. 

What Is a Behavior Plan for Students?

A behavior plan is the summation of a functional behavior assessment. It takes the results and formulates them into a plan of action to improve student behavior. 

This can be done in several ways. It may include strategies such as changing the environment that starts bad behavior, addressing triggers, and providing support. A good behavior plan will always aim to hold students accountable for their own actions, as opposed to punishments dictated by the teacher or guardian.

A good behavior plan can be broken down into three steps. These are procedures, rules, and consequences of actions. It is a good idea to have the student develop these with you, so they are taking control of their own actions. 

It is also important that they follow three main principles. Firstly, they should be individual. Each child has their own background and needs. There is no one size fits all approach with a behavior intervention plan. 

Behavior plans should also be positive. They should focus on the benefits of good behavior, not the consequences. Finally, they need to be consistent and adhered to. 

Types of Behaviors

There are many types of behaviors you may encounter with a student. They will vary and are often unique. They will also differ depending on the age and cohort, though some of the most common are as follows:

  • Noise and disruption
  • Arguing with the teacher or guardian
  • Talking over others or speaking out of turn
  • Negative and aggressive mannerisms
  • Overdependence

SMART Targets

Start by getting an overview of the pupil’s life and behavior. Look at the support they receive at home, and pick specific examples of when bad behavior has been exhibited in the classroom. This helps create a better overview of where you are going with the plan. 

The document should start with the target behaviors you want to address. When putting goals in place, follow the SMART procedure. This should be that goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and have time constraints. 

As well as this, clearly state the method of evaluation. How will then teacher and pupil know when the goals are being achieved? 

Personalizing the Plan

It is important that the pupil has some say in the direction of the plan, and it is personalized to their needs. This helps them take ownership of their behavior. It also addresses their unique character, situation, and emotional state.

By encouraging them to create the plan, it is more likely to motivate them to reach the set goals. The goals should be something they are proud of attaining. 

Hold a meeting with a lead teacher, parents, and the student. Together, discuss the goals to be achieved. Ask the pupil what they think the final aim should be, and steer them in the direction of making the decision themselves, even if you have a clear idea of what the outcome should be.

After this, make sure the student has an idea of what the good behaviors look like. Very often, they may not know what good behavior is. By helping them understand, they are more able to identify the problems that occur. 

Make sure the student gets some reward from the positive behavior. In the class situation, you need to hold a fine line. By going overboard with rewards, you promote good behavior as the exception and something outstanding when it should be the rule. 

You may have some smaller rewards, or you could even get the pupil to set themselves. If parents can deliver rewards, it also makes it much easier for you. 

Using Behavior Intervention Plans

Once a behavior action plan for students is in place, it is up to the school to follow it. If consistency is not given, the plan becomes useless, both to them and in the eyes of the students. In some cases, they may even have a legal obligation to stick with it. 

Your first port of call is with school teachers. You must distribute the information to all that teach the child, either through email or a physical meeting. This ensures everyone is using the plan, and the student gets consistency throughout. 

Secondly, ask the parents or guardians to support student behavior as outlined in the plan. Explain the plan to them so that they can talk to the pupil about it. They may even be able to enforce some of the aspects at home.

Making Adjustments

As time goes on, a behavior action plan for students will need adjustment. You may find the actions a student is performing are not ones covered by the plan. Perhaps they may solve the problem, only to return once the plan ends.

As the pupil matures, changes will also have to be made. For example, defensible behavior intervention plans for k12 students will be much different from ones for elementary children. 

Improving Behavior

Once you implement a behavior plan for students, you will see general classroom behavior levels increase across the board. This will eventually result in academic improvements. By creating one, you are on the first step to making a better future for the individual and group. 

If you enjoyed this article, visit the rest of our blog. With help and advice on everything from education to behavior, we can help you, and your pupils grow in the coming year!